The PAD is a Business, Entrepreneurship, and Contractor (BEC) Support Center, located in an Opportunity Zone in Columbia, SC that establishes and solidifies the foundation of small businesses and entrepreneurs by “Building It Strong.” The mission is to enable and empower small business owners and entrepreneurs through advocacy, outreach, education, mentoring and support. The PAD will house a workspace designed for women and provide technical assistance and access to mentors.
“WOW at The PAD” is a Women-Owned Workspace (WOW) Collective partnering with a local Women’s Business Center (BCWBC) to assist women small businesses and entrepreneurs to start, grow, and expand their businesses as a gateway out of poverty. The initiative takes on a regional approach to enhancing the number of women, women of color, and women in rural communities served throughout South Carolina using technology for virtual training and support.
“WOW at The PAD” offers virtual cohorts and technical assistance to increase accessibility for women in rural areas where they may have limited to no access to transportation or childcare.